What's on

A mosaic of 100 dioramas

27.06.2021 31.08.2021
STAM flyer 100in1day event
  • At STAMsquare
  • From June 27th until August 31st 2021

STAMsquare: a mosaic of 100 dioramas On STAMsquare From June 27 until August 31 2021 As a city museum, STAM tells the story of Ghent and its residents. This summer, even the story of the neighborhood around the museum in a very special way: with 100 dioramas made by 100 local residents. Together, these boxes will form one big mosaic made of dioramas during the months of July and August. Stacked as a house containing many rooms, it’s a mosaic of 100 small city tales you can’t stop looking at. The mosaic can be admired at STAMsquare.


  • Logo Gent 125Px
  • Vlaanderen
  • Logo curieus

Also at STAM

Ghent City Museum

Godshuizenlaan 2 - 9000 Gent
09 267 14 00

  • Vlaanderen verbeelding werkt
  • Logo Gent 125Px
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