The travelling exhibition ‘At home. Building and Living in Communities' from the DAM, German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt can be seen in the abbey church at STAM in the spring and summer of 2018.
Foto: Michael Feser
As collective building and living can take any number of different forms, it is both worthwhile and interesting to show examples side by side. In this exhibition twenty-one foreign reference projects show how collectivity can lead to innovative solutions for living at close quarters.
The projects are on display in the form of plans, models and photographs. Background information about the financing, legal form and necessary planning stages is also provided.
Perhaps you recognize yourself and your building and living ambitions in the case studies, or perhaps not? This exhibition is packed with inspirational examples.
There was a time when Ghent owned 5,000 hectares of agricultural land. Today that figure is 1,800 hectares, mostly outside the city boundaries. The city in the countryside. What is the story behind that land? Where does its future lie?
Feel free to touch! A fun children’s trail that leads through every room in the museum. Children become merchants, craftspeople, architects or city trippers and participate in city life. They sell cloth, make coats of arms, face façades and work out routes.
STAM turned ten last year... time for a make-over for the permanent exhibition! Since the end of 2020 you can stroll through the new Story of Ghent.