New style STAM...


Book your ticket in advance and all will be revealed!


We have introduced a number of changes to make your visit corona-secure during the pandemic. Find out all you need to know about ‘Corona-secure STAM’ here. You are advised to book your tickets in advance online or by phone so as to be sure you can get in. And you must wear a facemask. Rest assured: you will have peace of mind and feel comfortable as you to stroll through STAM and through ‘The story of Ghent’.


After ten years, the STAM stalwart ‘The story of Ghent’ deserved a pick-me-up to bring it bang up-to-date, enrich the content and make it even more inviting. “How new is new?” we hear you ask. The best answer to that is: come and see for yourself! The reception area, shop and STAMcafé have also been refurbished. Sadly,STAMcafé is not allowed to open at the moment, but keep an eye on the website because it does do the occasional take-away.

Find out here who we teamed up with for the remodelling and refurbishment programme.

Children’s trail

Each room in the museum relates to a specific period in the city’s history and contains a children’s interactive installation. The children’s trail was designed with the 6 to 12 age group in mind, but it can also be enjoyed by younger and older children. Give it a go together!

Be in the know

Owing to the pandemic, no extra activities are planned at the moment. But you can still wander freely round the museum and through history at your own pace. Whatever your age, whether you already know STAM or have never been here before, we have made absolutely sure that your visit will be a safe, enjoyable and fascinating experience.

Just as soon as it is allowed, we will fill our calendar of activities with guided tours at fixed times for individuals, guided tours for families, walks, after-hours visits, etc. To keep abreast of everything that is going on, be sure to sign up for our digital newsletter below and/or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Ghent City Museum

Godshuizenlaan 2 - 9000 Gent
09 267 14 00

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