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edmond sacré, portrait of a city

18.11.2011 22.04.2012
Sag Edmondsacre Stam

The Ghent photographer Edmond Sacré (1851-1921) left behind a very diverse oeuvre of portraits (individuals and groups), landscapes, streetscapes and shots of buildings and events.

His photographs show how Ghent was transformed around the turn of the century. In the city centre whole rows of houses were demolished to make way for new streets and squares and to free up historic monuments. Encroaching urbanization destroyed the rural character of the outskirts.

In this project the relationship between images of the city and change is examined by means of Sacré's photographs.

Also at STAM

Ghent City Museum

Godshuizenlaan 2 - 9000 Gent
09 267 14 00

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